Friday, October 24, 2014

Sunday, September 28

Chemo stink not so bad today.

I get up and make a bagel with egg and cheese, along with at blueberry muffin.  I didn't really eat enough yesterday.

It is still warm outside, so I decide I will ride my bike to church this morning.

Children's chapel reflects on the Jewish holidays of Rosh Hoshanah and Yom Kippur. It is a nice service with rousing music.  One of the girls in my kindergarten class really loves music, so I am happy that we have good tunes today.

As we teachers walk our children back to class, I chuckle.  I have on my chemo backpack, and Dena has crutches because she has a broken bone in her knee.  We are a scrappy crew.

Our lesson today is called The Magic Vase. It is about how changing one thing in your home can affect the whole house. At the beginning of our class, as the children start to gather, I ask them to draw a picture of their house. I tell them they can make their house the color that it is, or a color they wish it could be.  I tell them I would live in a rainbow house if I had the courage to paint it that way, and not worry about what the neighbors would say.  I realize how often this word, courage is coming up in my life lately.

We have a lovely class.

The ride home on my bike is warm.  I stop by Seven Stars to pick up a treat for my visiting nurse, Sandy.  She will be coming to unhook me soon.  I am feeling hot and tired and swollen today.  My hands feel hot and they are red.  Maybe this is from the heat?  I am trying to drink extra water today.  I know I didn't drink as much as I am supposed to yesterday, and then I have taken a bike ride today. 

I heat up some of the pasta that Rita brought over on Friday, and it makes me feel well again. 

I am feeling the need to be still and quiet today, so after I am unhooked, I water my garden, then I sit and paint for a few hours. 

September 29

Steve has been in North Carolina all weekend, and will be coming home this evening.  It has been a busy weekend for both of us, and we have only been able to text each other occasionally.  I am missing him a lot.

Things are the usual Monday mess in my house, it has been a drop and go weekend.  Instead of exercising this morning, I will get things straightened out.   I manage to get the garden watered before my first child is dropped off. 

I am hoping to catch my friend Polly as she brings her daughter to the bus stop this morning.  It was her birthday on Saturday, and I still haven't wished her a happy birthday!

By mid morning, I am super tired.  We take the kids to the playground and this wakes me up.  I make it to naptime, and then snooze with the the kids.  I sleep in the rocking chair and when I wake up, I feel like my breath smells like chemo.  I think my body is just so full of chemicals, it is finally coming out in my breath. 

At my Happiness group this evening, we have pizza, roasted veggies and cake for my birthday, a treat from Kathleen.  We play some games, a different twist on Happiness.  For our October meeting we plan on going to Pronk! Fest, and meet later in the month.

1 comment:

  1. What is happiness group? Did I miss explanation I previous post?
