This evening at knitting, we address our yarn problem. Linda brings in bins to organize our yarn into, and Linda, Lonnie, Nancy, Sarah and I get things straightened out. It looks so nice now, and almost all of it fits into our allotted cabinet. Yay!
Not feeling grumpy today, this is good. I do feel like my brain and my mouth are not connected though and things come out totally wrong. If I am not listening closely to what I am saying, I'll be telling people lies. This brain/speech disconnect is very obvious to me when I am singing to the kids at nap time. I forget words to songs I sing many times daily, and can't read and sing at the same time.
This is knitting night at my house. Steve makes us butternut squash soup, and I make a cranberry salad. We have bread, and Lonnie brings some Central American Pastries from a bakery near her office. It is a nice warming soup, shared with the loveliest of company, Lonnie, Dana and Sarah. We eat, knit and talk. It is so cozy in my house with good food and friends. I spend a little bit of time sewing part of the Halloween costume together, until my machine breaks down. This is so frustrating, but with the help of friends, I don't get too annoyed or discouraged, and finish sewing by hand. Sometimes this is just the way things go.
Steve has been painting our paper mache, and it looks like everything is coming together just fine.
Today we celebrate Halloween with our friend and neighbor, Debra. She often visits with us when we are passing her house, and invites us to see her garden or draw with chalk in her driveway. We have been celebrating Halloween with her since she moved to our neighborhood a few years ago.
When we get to her house, we find a kid sized table set up in her yard, covered with a Halloween table cloth, favor bags and candy. She has scattered pumpkins throughout her garden. Each child chooses their favorite, and then they get to paint it with neon paint. They look terrific! There are balloons, ghosts, skeletons, and the one eyed Nazo guy. They dip and sway in the breeze and give the yard a spooky feel.

After we paint our pumpkins, we sit on her steps and take photos. We even get to eat a chocolate bar before lunch! We show Debra how well we can Hokey Pokey, Ring Around the Rosie, and how fast we can play Head, Shoulders Knees and Toes. A couple of neighbors stop to watch our show. Finn the cat is so curious about what we are up to, he strolls by to have a look too! He is even in the mood to let us pet him today.

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