Trying to get things done before chemo tomorrow, washing walls and floors, cleaning out the fridge. These are all things other people would do for me if I asked them, but I am able to do them myself every other week, so it seems like it would be unfair to have someone else do it.
I make a smoothie for breakfast and think, I don't really like having smoothies this often. I don't like making them or cleaning up the mess. And they really aren't that good if you are out of bananas.
We take the kids to the playground today, and they are filming the new Woody Allen movie in the section of park that we usually walk in on. It is a little strange for the kids, all these people in a place where we usually rule the grounds, but they do fine getting through the change of route and all the people milling around. Fortunately, the film crew is not interested in the playground or the fountain, the two places we love to play. Some friends join us to play, and we have a great morning. Just as we are walking by the filming area, they start yelling "rolling!" We do our best to stay quiet as we walk on by.
When we arrive home, I find a beautiful dress hanging from the mail slot in my door. It has to be from my friend Amy! It is similar to one she gave me that wouldn't work because the way the neckline was shaped hit my port and made it uncomfortable. It is similar to the other dress, but it is softer around the neck and misses the port. I love it.
I make waffles and maple syrup for lunch for lunch. Maple syrup, which is a demulcent food, helps things slide through your digestive system. I serve this to the kids once a week because some of them won't eat fruit, and this helps their poop slide out a little easier. For me, I believe this has helped alleviate the cramping I had been getting after chemo. (Definition according to Wikipedia: A demulcent is an agent that forms a soothing film over a mucus membrane relieving minor pain and inflammation of the membrane.)
At naptime, one of the girls keeps trying to figure out where my port is. I am wearing a dress that has a cowl neck, so there is fabric there that is hiding it. I find it amusing that she is looking for it, poking with her fingers, but also a little amazing. She isn't even two yet, and although I am sure she has seen it, she has never reached out to touch it. Clearly, today she is curious about where it is now that she can't see it. I guess I should hide it more often.
One of our new neighbors stops by to thank us for the cookies we left for her yesterday. She brings us some biscotti and a sweet nut mixture. The kids are excited because I forgot to buy nuts this week, and they have been asking for them. We eat them for snack. They decided they don't like them, but I think they are yummy.
Our zinnia garden is in full bloom, well, at least some parts of it are. Some of the plants that were planted after the fourth of July are just starting to get buds now. Each of the children pick a few of their favorites to take home to their families, and we still have many blooms left to enjoy.
Alex and I enjoy Polly's lentil soup, even though she has tried to convince me that it is not a great batch. I have my last ice cream sandwich until sometime mid week when my throat tingles fade away.
I decide to stay away from stained glass yet another week in order to get ready for chemo tomorrow. I am hoping for a bike ride, a shower and to change the water in the fish tank before I go, so I need to get to bed early so I can wake up early.
The flowers look fabulous!